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How to create registration form in Codeigniter

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Codeigniter is one of the most popular PHP MVC framework available right now. It comes with bunch of built-in libraries and helper functions like database, form validation, session, form helper, database helper, shopping cart library. Codeigniter is not like another PHP framework in which you have to adjust some system configurations or install some dependencies. You just need to download codeigniter set base path, enter database credentials and you are good to go.

So in this tutorial I am going to show you how to create registration form in codeigniter. This tutorial is for the beginner so I am not going to cover email verification after registration. I will just cover registration form in very simple manner. I will cover email verification in my coming tutorials.

In this tutorial I am not going to cover codeigniter installation. If you are new to codeigniter then please read How to install Codeigniter in Xampp first or if your not familiar with codeigniter directory structure then visit Codeigniter Framework Directory Structure.

Steps involved in creating registration form in Codeigniter

Create Database:

Create database Table:

Codeigniter Setting:

Create Controller:


Users.php is a controller file in controllers folder that has 4 functions which are:

Create Model:


User_model.php is model file in models folder that has 3 functions which are:

Create Views:



Just print thank you message after insertion.

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